Although we are all enjoying the lovely sunshine and some of us are also enjoying our reduced summer workload, now is a good time for reflection. It is important to stop and reflect on what we have achieved, not achieved and to consider if anything in our working lives needs to change.
Henry Ford told us:
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
This may fill you with confidence if your business is rolling along successfully and you life/work balance is everything you wish it to be. However it is too easy to carry on without considering is this STILL what you want out of your business/life?
Are there parts of your work that drive you mad or take up a disproportionate amount of your time whilst other parts give you great pleasure? How about a nice list of the various components of your working life? You can then rate them as you might do a purchase on an online site. Of course some highly lucrative parts of your business might not be the most likeable components. Then you would have to ask the question: ” Do I need the money I earn from this or could I do something else?
I think it is vital to reflect on your choices in life and business. We are very good in business at evaluating our success in terms of income and class retention and satisfaction but we should also reflect on the deeper issues.
I no longer teach children and this was a very large part of my business, financially and professionally. The work was really rewarding but as I got older I felt there were other areas of my working life which I enjoyed more: teaching adults, teaching professionals, examining, consultancy and mentoring. I decided to let go of the children’s work and my life now is more fulfilling and my work life balance much better.
But that is right for me and it may not be for you. Take some of this quiet time to deeply reflect on the last teaching year. What do you need to change? How can you streamline or increase your work to make it everything you wish it to be?
Make positive change happen!